Saturday, April 07, 2012

Sugar shock

BACON: Sugar shock - Washington Times
Once upon a time, there was a medical “consensus” that fats and cholesterol in the blood were major causes of heart disease.
Armed with this “settled science,” the public health establishment moved in the 1970s to expunge the offending substances, beyond a basic minimum deemed to be necessary, from Americans’ diets.
Food bureaucrats established dietary guidelines.
Physicians ordered billions of dollars of blood tests.
Pharmaceutical companies made tens of billions of dollars on drugs that suppressed cholesterol levels. Food companies, castigated in some quarters as soulless merchants of dietary corruption, were compelled to report the nutritional breakdown of their packaged products.
Badgered by public officialdom and the media over the decades, Americans slowly, grudgingly changed their eating habits.
What good did it do them?
Americans are more overweight, more prone to diabetes and more at risk of heart disease than ever before.
Now, it transpires, the public health consensus and settled science might not have gotten it right.
A new wave of scientific research finds that the worst culprit of all is sugar.
CBS‘ “60 Minutes” hit the highlights of that research in a show broadcast April 1, “Is Sugar Toxic?”

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