Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chicago NATO summit asks a lot

Chicago NATO summit asks a lot -
McCormick's newspaper earlier warned in editorials that NATO would help "wreck America and permit Stalin and the Communists to take over here" and represent "the final sellout of the United States as an independent nation."
One editorial said the pact inevitably would lead to war and backers "should be frank enough to say … the alliance will be worth the million American lives it will probably cost."

These epistles may not exactly constitute a warm welcome for the world leaders converging on the lakefront convention center that bears the colonel's name.
But they also should remind locals that our worst fears are rarely fully realized.

Then again, neither are our greatest aspirations.
Maybe the summit will do for Chicago everything organizers say it will.
Producing an economic windfall of $128 million, raising the city's profile globally, and precipitating a surge in foreign investment and tourism would be just swell.

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