Sunday, May 06, 2012

Rogue Democrats Loot Detroit As Nation Sleeps

Rogue Democrats Loot Detroit As Nation Sleeps | Via Meadia
The latest scandal, which leaves even hardened observers of the abysmal Democratic machine that has run the city into the ground bemused, involves a real estate firm which gave the felonious mayor massages, golf outings, trips in chartered jets and other perks as this enemy of the people went about his hypocritical business of pretending to care about the poor while robbing them blind.

The firm, apparently run by a sleazy low class crook named by the reprehensible Kilpatrick to be the Treasurer of what was left of Detroit’s finances, used Detroit pension funds to buy a couple of California strip malls.
Title to the properties was never transferred to the pension funds, and they seem to be out $3.1 million.

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