Sunday, December 09, 2012

EAGnews’ “school dollars” series is pulling back the curtain on public school spending

EAGnews’ “school dollars” series is pulling back the curtain on public school spending - :: Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary
The district is now under investigation by CBS 6 for spending taxpayer dollars on pricey computer software that is not being used.
The district bought the software last year, but has yet to implement it.

The name of the product is School Dude and RPS paid $34,000 for a subscription, which has since expired.
The system is designed to equip maintenance staff with portable technology, such as iPads.

In March of 2012, nine school district maintenance employees were sent to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to learn how to use School Dude.
 The employees stayed in ocean front condos and ate at a nearby Brazilian Steakhouse.
The trip cost taxpayers $7,500.

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