Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Montague group to hold nonpartisan presentation on fracking |

Montague group to hold nonpartisan presentation on fracking |
"Resolving Our American Democracy, or ROAD, based in Montague, is a nonpartisan civic group and doesn't advocate for specific positions or political candidates, said ROAD Co-chairman Dave Frederick. ROAD holds monthly meetings with informational presentations.
"It's basically to inform people on the issue and do it in a nonpartisan way," Frederick said.
Frederick said that the presenter, Thompson, is a retired corporate researcher and writer who has promised to try to give a balanced presentation.
But, Frederick, said, there will be an opportunity at the end of the meeting to hear from Joy Smith of the Committee to Ban Fracking in Michigan, and sign the committee's petition to ban fracking.
"That will be an option for those at the end who have made up their minds," he said."

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