Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tax deadline is approaching: Bring us back to 1913 (or better yet, bring us back to pre-income tax 1912) | AEIdeas

Tax deadline is approaching: Bring us back to 1913 (or better yet, bring us back to pre-income tax 1912) | AEIdeas:
"In its annual report to Congress, the National Taxpayer Advocate estimated that American taxpayers spend 6.1 billion hours a year complying with the income tax code, based on IRS estimates of how much time taxpayers (both individual and businesses) spend collecting data for, and filling out tax forms.
That amount of time spent for income tax compliance would be the equivalent of more than 3 million Americans working full-time, year-round (2.22% of payroll employment).
By way of comparison, the federal government employed 2.78 million full-time workers in 2012, and Wal-Mart, the world’s largest private employer, currently employs 1.4 million workers in the US (both full-time and part-time)."

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