Friday, April 05, 2013

The Coming Global Warming Voter Backlash

Articles: The Coming Global Warming Voter Backlash:
"The volcanic eruption of Mount Pinotubo in the Pacific belched as much greenhouse gases into the atmosphere in a few weeks as 1,000 years of humans driving automobiles. 
Similarly, the production of methane gas -- a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide (CO2) -- from herds of wildebeest in Africa far exceeds the greenhouse gas emissions of the largest U.S. cities.
The only scientific data we ever had is this: over the geological history of the Earth, when temperature increased, 800 years later we see a rise in atmospheric CO2. 
Higher temperatures are not caused by carbon dioxide in the air. 
CO2 cannot cause a warmer climate, because warming occurs 800 years on average before any increase in CO2 levels. 
(It is suspected that CO2 dissolved in the oceans escapes as the oceans grow warmer.) "

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