Saturday, July 06, 2013

5 Things The Republican Party Can Learn From McDonald's

5 Things The Republican Party Can Learn From McDonald's - John Hawkins - Page 1:
"Ultimately, people vote for politicians because they want to MAKE THEIR LIFE BETTER.
Sure, voters may also care about the Constitution, the country, and their kid's future, but most of them are going to vote for the politician they believe will change their life for the better in some fashion -- or at least not make it worse. 
So, what are Republicans going to offer?
Will we cut the price of gas?
Will we reduce energy costs?
Will we stop crime in their area?
Will we reduce their taxes?
Will we save their health care?
Principles and big themes matter, but ultimately, we're going to win elections by the same way McDonald's wins customers: by fulfilling the personal wants and needs of the voters."

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