Wednesday, October 02, 2013

H-1B Obamacare Illinois Bombshell | Adam Andrzejewski

H-1B Obamacare Illinois Bombshell | Adam Andrzejewski:
Billions of dollars of IT contracts are wrapped inside the implementation of Obamacare, with federal tax dollars paying up to 90 percent of the cost for upgrading state Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS).
These awards are some of the largest in state history.
Two weeks ago, Illinois Governor Patrick Quinn became national news for circumventing a three-year procurement process on up to $190 million in no-bid IT contracts
Last week, we found that one of the largest bid-contract awards outsources state jobs to H-1B contractors from India. 
The Democratic governor awards $71.4 million contract to an outsourcing firm billing up to $256,160 per year per position -- plus $200,000 taxpayer financed "slush fund" for travel.

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