Friday, April 18, 2014

Americans, this will destroy our country!-------Rescuing Detroit From Its Own Folly

Rescuing Detroit From Its Own Folly — The Patriot Post:
“It is not the business of government … to preserve the fool from the consequences of his own folly,” said Henry George, a 19th century American writer and politician. Unfortunately, that advice is rarely heeded today.
The Detroit Free Press reports that the federal government is considering providing $100 million to ease the pain of Detroit's ongoing city pension reforms. 
The money technically would not be provided directly to the city's pension program, instead going to Michigan's state fund for “blight remediation,” which would allow the state to provide the same amount to Detroit. 
But the practical result is the same – the U.S. taxpayer getting stuck with part of the bill for Detroit's decades of foolish, unsupportable pension promises. In our current environment where billions and even trillions are common reference points, $100 million may seem like small potatoes. 
But the precedent set by such a bailout would be far-reaching and potentially devastating to the nation's already shaky financial health.
Because Detroit is just one example of a major city with unsupportable public-employee pension obligations – in fact it's only number 10 on the list of the worst offenders. 
The top 10, in order of pension debt per capita: Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Columbus, Los Angeles, San Jose, San Diego, Denver and Detroit.
Considering that public employees are among the most loyal and vocal of Democrat constituencies, the risk of political favoritism is obvious.
As if that's not alarming enough, consider that looming larger behind these cities are states with the same pension debt problems, led by California's estimated $170 billion sea of red ink (and that is the LA Times' “best case” estimate – the worst case is more than $500 billion). 
Note, that is not California's total debt; just its un-funded pension obligations. 
Barack Obama's home state of Illinois is next with more than $100 billion in un-funded pension debt. If the federal government begins handing out money to save major cities from their pension debts, you can bet the states will come begging soon after. 
And the worst pension shortfalls at the state level are concentrated, unsurprisingly, in blue states like California. 
As Mark Alexander wrote last year, it's no coincidence that Detroit is in the shape it's in.

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