Sunday, July 20, 2014

CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS: Hashtag feminism (e.g. #YesAllWomen) is a scourge. It brings out the worst…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS: Hashtag feminism 
Hashtag feminism (e.g. #YesAllWomen) is a scourge. 
It brings out the worst in contemporary feminism: injustice-collecting, trauma-valorizing, male-bashing. 
It also encourages group think and vigilanteeism. 
Other than that, it’s fine. . . .
I only recently came to appreciate the limited power of logic, reason and evidence to change minds. Most of us, whether we know it or not, are driven by emotion and group loyalty. Cognitive scientists have long known about a phenomenon called “motivated reasoning”—we tend to use logic and reason, not to discover what we believe, but to confirm what we already think we know. Instead of changing our minds in the face of contradictory evidence, we are more likely to seize on rationalizations for what we already believe. I see this tendency in myself once in a while and try mightily to resist it.
The Millennials have been cheated out of a serious education by their Baby Boomer teachers. Call it a generational swindle. Even the best and brightest among the 20-somethings have been shortchanged. Instead of great books, they wasted a lot of time with third-rate political tracts and courses with titles like “Women Writers of the Oklahoma Panhandle.” Instead of spending their college years debating and challenging received ideas, they had to cope with speech codes and identity politics. College educated young women in the U.S. are arguably the most fortunate people in history; yet many of them have drunk deeply from the gender feminist Kool-Aid. Girls at Yale, Haverford and Swarthmore see themselves as oppressed. That is madness. And madness can only last so long. So, I plan to continue writing books and articles, making my Factual Feminist videos and lecturing at as many campuses and laws schools as I can. American colleges have been described as islands of repression in a sea of freedom. I want to encourage rebellion among the islanders.
A little rebellion — maybe even more than a little — would be a good thing."

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