Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ferguson As America: "There Is A Brewing Problem... And It's Extremely Dangerous"

Ferguson As America: "There Is A Brewing Problem... And It's Extremely Dangerous" | Zero Hedge
Submitted by Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics,
Riots are have erupted with hundreds of protesters gathering at a suburban St. Louis police station on Monday demanding murder charges against an officer who shot to death an unarmed black teenager over the weekend. Looting just went nuts like the ’60s. While this is being painted as a race issue, there is yet another issue that is not being addressed – that is the militarization of the civil police forces around the country.
Ever since 911, there has been a trend moving toward much harsher local police. Here is a photo of how the Boston Police have militarized to the point it looks like war against the people. Even small towns are geared up for war.
The small town of Medford, Oregon with a population of 76,462 has spent millions of dollars to militarize their police. They have their own Swat Teams, yet no incident in history of some major shooting of such a nature to warrant a Swat Team. The entire reason where there was the Second Amendment was to eliminate this very threat of standing armies. We are seeing the abuse of force at every level. Medford Police bought a new vehicle that some say could survive a so-called the apocalypse. They used their Swat Team to go after a merecarjacker.
Medford, New Jersey with a population of just 23,033 also has a Swat Team. They rushed in and held two white kids on the ground at gun-point for shooting potatoes into a lake setting hair spray as the propellant.

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