Sunday, September 21, 2014

Yikes! The left is now telling women to NOT defend themselves. And use "ugly" as a defense. That'll work.......... University event says men can prevent rape through taco runs

University event says men can prevent rape through taco runs:

A student event at Arizona State University suggested that intoxicated men just grab tacos with friends in order to prevent rape.
The event, sponsored by the student group I Always Get Consent, made the claim that teaching women self-defense techniques perpetuates “rape culture” and advised men to tell their drunken buddies at the bar that a woman is ugly to prevent him from going home with her and raping her.
"If you are drunk and someone says, let’s go get tacos, everyone is up and moving to get the food, right?"   
“How many of you guys have been at a party or been with friends, and might be under the influence and someone suggests food?” said Kat Hofland, who headlined the event. “If you are drunk and someone says, let’s go get tacos, everyone is up and moving to get the food, right?”
Alternatively, Hofland, an ASU student, said that people could try to persuade intoxicated male friends that the girl he is talking to is “ugly” and “not worth sleeping with.” She also suggested the audience just be that “annoying friend” and follow the intoxicated male around until he becomes frustrated and gives up his pursuit.
“You don’t want to have drunk blacked-out sex” said Hofland, “Just wait until the morning for some awesome morning sex.”
Hofland blamed the popular song, “ Blurred Lines” and rape jokes for perpetuating rape culture in everyday events and details. 
She also claimed that teaching women self-defense techniques such as fashioning a weapon out of keys by sticking them between knuckles, possessing pepper spray, fighting back against an attacker, and consistently being aware of one’s surroundings contributed to rape culture.
“We should be telling people not to rape people,” she said. “All these things we tell women to do...they don’t bring down the number of rapes that happen. They don’t.”
“We get a lot of messages about how to ‘protect yourself from rape’ when that’s an unrealistic expectation.” Hofland told Campus Reform in an interview. “Things that we hear all the time about protecting ourselves don’t help because they’re based off of a false idea of what sexual violence looks like.”
Other events throughout the week included a “consent lemonade stand,” a “consent fair,” and “consent swimming” held on each of ASU’s four campuses.

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