Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hire/provide/use/abuse child prostitutes? Get a BIG promotion! In Obama's World----The Return of the Cartagena Hooker

The Return of the Cartagena Hooker :: SteynOnline
On stage in Minneapolis on Thursday night, I mentioned en passant one of those stories that came up while I was overseas and that I'm playing catch-up on: the news that, in the 2012 Secret Service hooker scandal, a young White House aide was also involved and that the corrupt Obama Administration covered it up. 
The Obama Administration operates on the sound principle that, if you're going to have a scandal, it's best to have dozens of them and then no one can keep up, and none of them becomes large enough to matter.
In this case, Jonathan Dach is the son of an influential Obama donor and Walmart lobbyist with ties to the First Lady's "healthy eating initiative". 
Two years ago, Dach Jnr was part of the White House advance team dispatched to Cartagena ahead of the President's visit. 
The evidence from the hotel register conclusively proves that he had a prostitute in his room. 
But the White House hushed it up, on the grounds that he did not actually bill US taxpayers for his hooker. How did that happen? Well:
Dach "was not charged for additional guest as a benefit of Hilton Honor Member."
So under the Hilton Honors program the first hooker stays for free. 
Who knew? 
Did young Jonathan Dach only have all those points on his Hilton card because he was doing so much presidential travel? 

...Anyway, when he paid off the prostitute and came back from Colombia, Jonathan Dach was given a job at the White House "working on Global Women's Issues"
In Cartagena, he was working on Global Women. Now he's working on Global Women's Issues. 

...I think it's worth keeping an eye on the big picture here. 
First, as I wrote two-and-a-half years ago, there was no reason for Mr Dach or any of the other at least two dozen federal johns to be in Cartagena at all: They were cavorting with prostitutes all night long because there was nothing for them to do:
What we know so far is this: All eleven Secret Service men and all ten U.S. military personnel staying at the Hotel Caribe are alleged to have had "escorts" in their rooms that night. All of them. The entire team.
Twenty-one U.S. public servants. Twenty-one Colombian whores. Unless a couple of the senior guys splashed out for the two-girl special...
Why were 21 officials of the United States government able to enjoy a night of pleasure with 21 prostitutes..? The answer isn't difficult. Indeed, one retired agent spelled it out: "They just didn't have anything to do."
So they did Dania Suarez and her friends instead.
The 21 dedicated public servants jetted in on the so-called car-planes, the big transports flying in the tinted-windowed black Suburbans for the presidential motorcade. The "car-plane" guys show up a few days in advance, but usually two weeks or so after the really advanced advance team has hit the ground. And there was nothing for them to do. There is no reason for them to be there.

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