Monday, June 01, 2015

Hastert La Vista, Baby!

Hastert La Vista, Baby! :: SteynOnline:
"...As the story unfolds, only one thing can be said for certain:
We're never gonna hear another word about Hillary's Clinton Foundation scandals ever again, not even if ISIS paid $2 million for Bill to deliver a 20-minute speech on climate change at the Sword of the Beheader Elementary School in Ramadi and they decapitated ten Christians as the warm-up act.
So far, The New York Times has five reporters on the Hastert story, The Washington Post nine there's no one left in the newsroom to look into Hillary - even though Bill's been flying around with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein on a plane called the Lolita Express....
Yeah, good luck with that.
The GOP put a paedo Speaker two heartbeats from the Oval Office!
Can they ever again be trusted with power?
Why, if al-Qaeda had gotten a little luckier on 9/11, Hastert could have wound up as the first pedophile president...
So now all three Republican House Speakers from the Impeachment Era have been destroyed.
And Slick Willie will be able to say that he was impeached for having consensual relations with a 21-year-old woman by a House led by a guy who had non-consensual relations with underage boys.
That would be Impeachment Redemption at a most convenient time.
When's the trial scheduled for? 
September 2016?
If that's where we're headed, it would be too much to expect the Democrat-media complex to forgo the pleasure of making the third most powerful Republican of the century the poster boy for his party.
I've been wondering what it would take to get Bill and Hillary over this awkward little bump on the road to her coronation.
They've always been lucky like that..."

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