Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Ah yes, the "they disagree with us so they must be stupid" syndrome. And this moron "teaches" at a tax subsidized university?!!-----Professor blames Colbert's ratings sag on Republicans 'who can’t understand complex satire'

Professor blames Colbert's ratings sag on Republicans 'who can’t understand complex satire' - The College Fix:
Sophia McClennen, a professor of international affairs and comparative literature at Pennsylvania State University, recently sounded off on why she believes Stephen Colbert’s “The Late Show” ratings are sagging – Republicans won’t watch it because they’re too thickheaded to get his clever jokes!
“It is the socially conservative, less educated, Tea Party version of the GOP that is least likely to want to watch smart comedy like Colbert’s,” McClennen stated in her Salon piece, titled “Republicans just don’t get Stephen Colbert: Why the sophiaFox News-watching, climate-change denying crowd can’t understand complex satire.”
“This is the portion of the population that thinks climate science is a liberal plot, Obama is not a citizen, and the separation of church and state is a myth,” added the Duke and Harvard-educated scholar..."

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