Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Louis DeBroux: This Is YUGE!

Louis DeBroux: This Is YUGE! — The Patriot Post:
Last night’s losers:
Donald Trump — with 76% of Iowans voting for someone other than Trump after months of nonstop media coverage, his aura of invincibility has been damaged, and if he doesn’t get a decisive win in New Hampshire, that will only get worse. Trump’s popularity stems, in large part, from his image as a take-no-prisoners winner. Without the consistently conservative (or even moderate) background of Cruz and Rubio, and now without a decisive win when it was expected, Trump risks becoming just another blustery blowhard, the GOP’s version of Howard “The Scream” Dean.
The GOP Establishment — they’re throwing everything they have at Cruz, and he is gaining momentum. Is there anything right now that can do more to raise a candidate’s stock among the base than to be hated by the party’s leadership and establishment?...
Hillary Clinton — she narrowly beat out socialist Bernie Sanders, although that came after six precincts were tied and decided by a coin tossall of which went to Hillary. Sanders is likely to win New Hampshire, putting the Crown Princess of Progressivism in a very uncomfortable position. But she will still likely win the Democrat nomination because it’s hard to see how the DNC allows a kook like Sanders, who is not even officially a Democrat, to take Hillary’s rightful place as the standard-bearer of their party.

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