Friday, February 05, 2016

The Peace of Submission :: SteynOnline

The Peace of Submission :: SteynOnline
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union funded "peace movements" throughout the west - because for the Soviets "peace" meant "the absence of opposition".
In our time the new peace movement is Islam. 
And so we are told today, from the podium of a mosque with "extremist" "links", that the very word Islam means "peace". 
Actually, it means "submission" - ie, the absence of opposition.
The only difference between then and now is that instead of being chanted by scrofulous hippies protesting outside a Nato air base the old line's being peddled to us by the President of the United States. 
~At the end of September, I spoke in the Danish Parliament on the tenth anniversary of the Mohammed cartoons. (See my speech here.) 
Afterwards I was hustled off-stage and, a little weary and the worse for wear, gave an interview in a rather handsomely appointed ante-room on the subject of Chancellor Merkel and her Million Muslim March. 
You might be interested in what I had to say - remember this was two months before the Paris attacks and three months before the New Year sexual assaults and the cover-up by German police and media. 
Click below to watch:
Thanks to Frau Merkel, everything old is new again:

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