Wednesday, June 22, 2016

History for June 22

History for June 22 -
George Vancouver 1757, Erich Maria Remarque 1898, John Dillinger 1902 - Gangster

Carl Hubbell 1903, Brit Hume 1943 - Broadcast journalist, Cyndi Lauper 1953 - Singer

1611 - English explorer Henry Hudson, his son and several other people were set adrift in present-day Hudson Bay by mutineers. 

1870 - The U.S. Congress created the Department of Justice.

1874 - Dr. Andrew Taylor Still began the first known practice of osteopathy.

1933 - Germany became a one political party country when Hitler banned parties other than the Nazis.

1942 - In France, Pierre Laval declared "I wish for a German victory".

1970 - U.S. President Richard Nixon signed an extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It required that the voting age in the United States to be 18.

1992 - The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that hate-crime laws that ban cross-burning and similar expressions of racial bias violated free-speech rights.

2009 - Eastman Kodak Company announced that it would discontinue sales of the Kodachrome Color Film.

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