Thursday, June 23, 2016

"Steyn Was Right and I Was Wrong" :: SteynOnline

"Steyn Was Right and I Was Wrong" :: SteynOnline
"Mark is overseas in connection with research for a new book. 
But his decade-old bestseller America Alone is timelier than ever. 
Tarek Fatah begins his column in today's Toronto Sun as follows:
Almost 10 years ago, Maclean's magazine published an essay by Mark Steyn titled, "The future belongs to Islam".
In it, he suggested, "the West is growing old and enfeebled, and lacks the will to rebuff those who would supplant it."
It was an extract from Steyn's then best-selling book America Alone, where he concluded, "It's the end of the world as we've known it..."
There was an outcry among Canada's Islamists, who took Steyn and Maclean's to the Ontario and British Columbia Human Rights Commissions.
My fellow Sun columnist, Farzana Hassan, and I wrote a rejoinder in Maclean's titled, "Mark Steyn has a right to be wrong."
Today, I recognize, Steyn was right and I was wrong.
Read the rest of Mr Fatah's column to see why. 
America Alone was, as he says, a bestseller, and many presidents, prime ministers and other influential politicians read it and cited it
But too few western leaders made any serious attempt to change course. 
Autographed copies are available at the SteynOnline bookstore, and approaching its tenth birthday Mark's book remains an indispensable guide to the new world now emerging.

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