Wednesday, August 03, 2016



Due to a mid-summer break, I'm running a column which originally ran on March 23, 2016.

Spiral Death Spin

By Tammy Derouin

The administration wants civil unrest and the most uninformed among us are bound and determined to deliver it right to his door step.  They are clueless to the fact that they are being used to destroy the very country that acknowledges their God given rights.  They demand that their voices be heard but they will do everything in their power to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them.  This is liberal hypocrisy at its best.

The executive and his administration have worked tirelessly to divide our nation.  They never waste an opportunity to undermine or chip away at our freedoms and liberties.  Their foot soldiers are being used to deny others their God given rights.  Can you imagine the outcry if conservatives were attempting to silence liberals?  It would be a much different story.

Our rights are not a one party benefit.  This is precisely why our founding fathers created a governing system of laws, not men.  They understood that everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs.  Having an opinion or in many cases, facts, which differ from the ruling party is proving to be very dangerous.  Everyone has the right to speak freely and to assemble but not when it interferes with the rights of others.  We know the liberal Left would not tolerate the same malicious treatment.

Today many liberals feel safe while trampling on the rights of others.  After all, the administration turns a blind eye to their unruly behavior. They cannot see they are destroying themselves in the process. If they think they are being ignored or not being heard now, wait until their party turns on them.  They will scream foul when their rights are infringed upon.  But, will there be any rights left to claim?     

The Left demands tolerance, yet they will not tolerate anyone who disagrees with their agenda of destruction.  Our society is in a spiral death spin. We are now hearing that Republican lives don’t matter and that there will be riots if a certain candidate moves forward.  What the followers of the liberal Left fail to understand, is that the conservative side of the political spectrum is trying to preserve the freedoms and liberties of all, not just one party or group. 

You do not have to agree with Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton but, if we want to remain a free society, you need to acknowledge and defend their right to speak and believe as they wish. 
Isn’t it better to know the true ideology of a person or group?  You should always know as much as possible about an individual who wishes to represent you.  Had we demanded more information about the current executive, we may have dodged a tyrant.  As of right now, it is still your right to counter rally and challenge their ideology. You have freedom of speech and the right to assemble, as long as you do not infringe on the rights of others.  

Instead of acknowledging and tolerating that everyone has an opinion and sees things from a different point of view, the Left has aggressively begun to deny others the same rights they demand for themselves. To see so much prompting and provocation coming directly from the administration, is proof of how determined the executive is to transform our country from freedom and liberty to enslavement and dependence.

For seven years we have witnessed a blow by blow attack by the executive and his administration on our country.  He calls our Constitution a document of negative liberties. It is, however, quite the contrary.  It is a document of positive liberties; a document which recognizes the power of the people to govern and to be self-reliant.  Since that fateful day when our current executive took the oath of office, our Constitution has been under attack.  He has done everything he can to undermine our system of government and our exceptionalism, our freedom.

The fact that he was not voted out of office when we had the chance and only gained more power, proves how lost, how far off course we have drifted as a nation.  He has convinced so many that the government has all the answers. It isn’t the government’s responsibility to fulfill the needs and solve the problems facing each individual. He doesn’t believe that we can survive without his guidance and executive commands.  What will our independence cost us?  Dependency breeds tyranny. 

This administration had proven time and time again, that the only thing it is capable of flawlessly executing, is the creation of more problems.

“The Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.”

Thomas Jefferson

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