Monday, August 01, 2016

SHE LIED! Hillary's Tearjerker About Handicapped Girl in Wheelchair in DNC Speech WAS ALL A LIE!

SHE LIED! Hillary's Tearjerker About Handicapped Girl in Wheelchair in DNC Speech WAS ALL A LIE!:
"On Thursday night Hillary Clinton delivered her acceptance speech at the DNC Convention in Philadelphia.
Hillary told the crowd about a poor suffering handicapped girl in a wheelchair in New Bedford, Massachusetts who could not go to school because of her disability. 
Hillary said she helped the girl get to school.
"...I remember meeting a young girl in a wheelchair on the small back porch of her house. She told me how badly she wanted to go to school — it just didn’t seem possible in those days..."
But it was ALL A LIE.
Ken Pittman at WBSM reported:
Here’s what I learned; The Mayor of New Bedford in 1973 was a guy I happen to know, Mayor John Markey (81 years old and a lifelong Democrat now living in Dartmouth, MA.
Mayor Markey is also a retired judge and a man whose credibility and character are beyond reproach.
“Jack” as he is known, is eligible for both court and municipal pension but only accepts one. He is not one to “double dip”. I called Jack and asked him a few questions about handicap services in 1973 at the New Bedford Public Schools, including wheelchair accessibility.
“I took over as Mayor in January of 1973.
We had a budget for vans with drivers and provided services to students with disabilities. It was Tremblay Bus.
They would pick them up and drop them off at their homes...
It just didn’t seem possible in those days Hillary, because it wasn’t true in 1973 New Bedford.
Read the whole thing here.
Hillary Clinton made up the whole story to sound like a selfless humanitarian.
In 1973 New Bedford was already giving handicapped kids rides to school.
Years later Hillary lied about handicapped accessibility in the town to sound more charitable and loving to the American public.
It was all a lie."

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