Tuesday, September 20, 2016

History for September 20

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History for September 20 - On-This-Day.com
Upton Sinclair 1878, Dr. Joyce Brothers 1928, Anne Meara 1929 - Actress, comdian
Image result for Joyce Brothers Quotes

Sophia Loren 1934 - Actress, Gary Cole 1957 - Actor, Crispin Glover 1964

1519 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan left Spain to find a route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. Magellan was killed during the trip, but one of his ships eventually made the journey.

1881 - Chester A. Arthur became the 21st president of the U.S. President James A. Garfield had died the day before.

1953 - Jimmy Stewart debuted on the radio western "The Six Shooter" on NBC.
Image result for 1953 - Jimmy Stewart debuted on the radio western

1955 - "You'll Never Be Rich" premiered on CBS-TV. The name was changed less than two months later to "The Phil Silvers Show."

1962 - James Meredith, a black student, was blocked from enrolling at the University of Mississippi by Governor Ross R. Barnett. Meredith was later admitted.
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1967 - The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) was launched. It went out of service on November 27, 2008.

1984 - "The Cosby Show" premiered on NBC-TV.

1992 - French voters approved the Maastricht Treaty.

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