Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Glenn Harlan Reynolds---Either Robert Mueller should resign, or we need two special counsels.

Image result for conflict of interestEither Robert Mueller should resign, or we need two special counsels
"The only way to avoid a tainted investigation or a political explosion is another counsel to investigate possible obstruction of justice.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a problem: He has a disqualifying conflict of interest regarding a large part of his work. 
It involves a choice between investigating or relying on former FBI director James Comey, a longtime close friend of Mueller’s.
Ideally, he’ll recognize that and resign.
But if he doesn’t resign, Attorney General Jeff Sessions should appoint another special counsel to take over the obstruction-of-justice part of the investigation, where Mueller is disqualified.
At present, there are two investigations:
  • One into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians (a claim that even Democrat Chris Matthews admitted fell apart after Comey’s recent testimony) 
  • and an investigation into whether, while being investigated for this claimed collusion, President Trump or someone else obstructed justice.

 That investigation is closely tied to Comey, and so is Mueller..."
Read on!!

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