Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today:
"...I'm thinking more and more this Kneeling Protest is more about a group wanting to get rid of the presentation of the flag and playing of the national anthem.
Over 300,000 white Americans died in the war ending slavery.
Whites stood and bled next to blacks during the Civil Rights demonstrations in the 1960s.
Image result for bblm protestsA white President ordered the desegregation of the military.
A white President signed both the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights Act.
For decades racial discrimination has been deinstitutionalized everywhere in the United States.
Now we have seen the rise of the violent Black Lives Movement with open season on cops, and a Castro-loving football player, then earning $19 million per season starts a black protest against injustice against the Black Race.
The question I have is, where in America are black Americans being denied their rights or due process under the law? 
On the other hand, the Black Community is rife with serious problems, teenage and/or unwed pregnancy, disasterous public education, unemployment and minimally skilled workers, gangs, drugs, and "leaders" promoting a victimhood mentality."

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