Tuesday, October 03, 2017

How the Democrats Set Up Puerto Rico for Disaster | Frontpage Mag

How the Democrats Set Up Puerto Rico for Disaster | Frontpage Mag
"We’ve seen this show before.
Image result for never let a crisis go to wasteWhen there’s a national disaster, neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, shelters are filled with crying families, and a Republican is in the White House, the Democrats jump into action.
Not to help, but to make political capital from a disaster that they helped cause.
After Hurricane Katrina, the media shrieked that survivors inside the New Orleans Superdome were murdering each other.
But there actually wasn’t a single murder in the Superdome.
And no, NBC’s Brian Williams, never saw any corpses floating past the Ritz-Carlton. 
The media exaggerated and lied.
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was all over the news shouting, “Get off your asses” and accusing the Bush administration of “spinning” while “people are dying”.
The dirty Democrat demanded more resources while claiming that everything that the Federal government was doing wasn’t good enough.
He called for Greyhound buses, when there were plenty of school buses in New Orleans that weren’t being used..."
Read on!

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