Sunday, October 01, 2017

WATCH: Berkeley Protesters Try To Explain What They're Protesting. It's Hilarious. | Daily Wire

WATCH: Berkeley Protesters Try To Explain What They're Protesting. It's Hilarious. | Daily Wire:
"Despite the cancellation of the "Free Speech Week," which was allegedly going to star Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, and Steve Bannon, a bunch of social justice activists converged on Berkeley to protest anyhow. 
So YouTube personality Fleccas, real name Austen Fletcher, arrived on the scene to learn firsthand what all those outraged activists were specifically protesting. 
By the end of the day, Fletcher came to the conclusion that a vast majority of them don't really know and even fewer are able to defend their incoherent political positions.
Fletcher posted a simultaneously hilarious and depressing video (below) of his time at Berkeley on YouTube to give everyone a chance to look into the minds of the social justice left. 
The video opens with one hysterical female protester shouting, "You're f***ing insulting my identity! How could you look me in the eye!? How could you do that!? How could you let that happen?! ... I know you feel your racism! I know you feel your privilege!"
"Stop laughing at her!" yells another protester to someone who apparently couldn't hold in a few laughs at the over-the-top accusations..."
Watch the craziness below:

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