Monday, December 11, 2017

A Guide to Pants-Dropping for the New Man :: SteynOnline

A Guide to Pants-Dropping for the New Man :: SteynOnline

"Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats swing together. 
Eighteen years ago, Senate Dems stood lockstep in support of keeping Bill Clinton in office. Yesterday they stood lockstep in support of forcing Al Franken from office - even though Franken's sins (unwanted tongues and touching) are of a considerably lower order than Clinton's (assault and rape). 
A shift is underway in the Democrat Party, even if - as Caitlin Flanagan notes in The Atlantic - it's not quite there yet:
Let's not fool ourselves. "I believe Juanita" doesn't just mean that you're generally in favor of believing women when they report sex crimes. It means you believe that for eight years our country was in the hands of a violent rapist.
It was - which was why some of us said we believed Juanita at the time.
...So they've belatedly realized that their over-investment in the violent rapist and his enabler proved near-fatal last year. 
To win in 2020, the party has to get back some of those white females. 
Hence the decision to go full-scale war-on-women. 
Which means Franken and John Conyers are expendable. 
The Democrats are preparing to weaponize sex as they've weaponized race since the civil-rights era..."
Read on!

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