Saturday, December 02, 2017

History for December 2

Image result for president james monroe quotes
History for December 2 -
George Seurat 1859, Charles Ringling 1862, Alexander M. Haig 1924
Image result for George SeuratImage result for Ringling BrothersImage result for Alexander Haig Quotes

Lucy Liu 1968 - Actress, Britney Spears 1981 - Singer, TV judge ("The X Factor"), Aaron Rodgers 1983 - Football player
Image result for Lucy LiuImage result for Britney SpearsImage result for Aaron Rodgers

1804 - Napoleon was crowned emperor of France at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.
Image result for 1804 - Napoleon was crowned emperor of France

1823 - U.S. President James Monroe outlined his doctrine opposing European expansion in the Western Hemisphere.
Image result for Monroe outlined his doctrine

1901 - Gillette patented the KC Gillette Razor. It was first razor to feature a permanent handle and disposable double-edge razor blades.
Image result for 1901 - Gillette patented the KC Gillette Razor.

1927 - The Ford Motor Company unveiled the Model A automobile. It was the successor to the Model T.
Image result for 1927 - The Ford Motor Company unveiled the Model A automobile.

1942 - A self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated by Dr. Enrico Fermi and his staff at the University of Chicago.
Image result for 1942 - A self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated by Dr. Enrico Fermi

1961 - Cuban leader Fidel Castro declared in a nationally broadcast speech that he was a Marxist-Leninist and that he was going to lead Cuba to communism.
Image result for Cuban leader Fidel Castro Marxist-Leninis

1969 - The Boeing 747 jumbo jet got its first public preview as 191 people flew from Seattle, WA, to New York City, NY. Most of the passengers were reporters and photographers.
Image result for 1969 - The Boeing 747 jumbo jet got its first public preview

2001 - Enron Corp. filed for Chapter 11 reorganization. The filing came five days after Dynegy walked away from a $8.4 billion buyout. It was the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
Image result for 2001 - Enron Corp. filed for Chapter 11 reorganization.

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