Friday, December 01, 2017

Supermoon Trifecta, Geminid Meteor Shower Peak: Skywatch Calendar | Across America, US Patch

Image result for blue moon supermoonSupermoon Trifecta, Geminid Meteor Shower Peak: Skywatch Calendar | Across America, US Patch: "three consecutive supermoons starting this weekend and including a blue moon supermoon at the end of January; a total lunar eclipse; and a trio of meteor showers, starting with the Geminids, an especially bright celestial event that peaks Dec. 13-14.
The first full moon in the supermoon trifecta will be at its closest point to Earth at 4 a.m. Eastern on the morning of Monday, Dec. 4, but moon gazers will get their best views at just after sunset Sunday, Dec. 3, as it appears large over the horizon.
That's the supermoon effect.
The moon isn't actually larger, but it appears particularly so in its closest approach to Earth during its monthly orbit — known as lunar perigee.
The December full moon, which is also known as the "cold moon," is the only supermoon in 2017, and it's smaller than most."

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