Sunday, December 03, 2017

Worth the read!-----I'm A Liberal, And I Agree With Sean Hannity That U.S. Journalism Is Dead

I'm A Liberal, And I Agree With Sean Hannity That U.S. Journalism Is Dead:
Image result for abc fake news"The 2016 election opened my eyes to this ‘Truman Show’-like media universe we’ve all been inhabiting.-By Saritha Prabhu
I’m a liberal Democrat who didn’t realize for a long time that our mainstream media is biased. 
For years, I consumed news and commentary from my favorite media sites uncritically: CNN, MSNBC,
The New York Times.
From time to time, I watched Fox News to see what “the other side” was saying.
I lived in a kind of information bubble, but like most bubble-dwellers I didn’t know I was living in one. 
Ironically, the 2016 election opened my eyes to this “Truman Show”-like media universe we’ve all been inhabiting. 2016 rolled on, I became quietly incensed.
I couldn’t help noticing repeatedly that the mainstream media was shielding and enabling Clinton in her dissembling and media avoidance. 
I noticed that the commentators at CNN, MSNBC, and the NYT either ignored or made light of Clinton’s many problem areas: the private email server, compromising of state secrets, and the questionable multimillion-dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation. (Yes, the Times broke the story in 2015 about Clinton’s personal email account, but I’m talking here about its 2016 treatment of her candidacy.)
Ironically, had I been a Clinton supporter, I’d have likely been blind to the media bias.
To be clear, I’m not talking about individual reporting, which is usually great, but a persistent institutional bias that colors almost all coverage and commentary.
Image result for abc fake newsThen I Couldn’t Un-See the Bias
Once you become aware of something, you keep seeing it all the time. 
So, almost every time I watched or read something, I saw the media bias: in the way headlines were framed, in what they chose to cover, in the way they devoted the barest minimum time to Clinton’s problems..."
Read on!!

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