Sunday, January 14, 2018

Chelsea Clinton - the Woman Who Used Embezzled Haiti Disaster Cash to Pay for Her Wedding - Lectures Trump on Haiti

Chelsea Clinton - the Woman Who Used Embezzled Haiti Disaster Cash to Pay for Her Wedding - Lectures Trump on Haiti:
"On Thursday afternoon President Donald Trump asked a group of pro-amnesty senators why the US should welcome migrants from “sh*tholes” like Haiti, Central America or African nations.

It was a good question.

But Democrats, liberal media and global community were outraged that the president would use such an offensive term to describe the global community’s failed states.
Chelsea Clinton decided this was a good time to lecture Trump on Haiti.
Chelsea Clinton reportedly used stolen money from Haiti relief to pay for her extravagant wedding.
But that didn’t stop her from tweeting this out to President Trump.
Mr. President, immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and the 54 countries in Africa likely helped build your buildings. They’ve certainly helped build our country. cc @POTUS 
Not only was that an unwise tweet considering her crooked family’s past, it also show’s her complete lack of knowledge of the construction industry..."
Read on!

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