Tuesday, January 02, 2018

The one potential Census question that terrifies liberals

The one potential Census question that terrifies liberals
"Liberals, in general, love the Census.  
See the source image
It's full of questions about race and sex, the common fault lines by which liberals love to divide society.  
They are even adding a question to the next Census to find out your favorite kind of sex, or approximation of it.
But one question liberals don't want to know is whether the person answering the census is an American. 
 They fear that if there is a question about citizenship, that illegal aliens won't fill it out.
The Justice Department is pushing for a question on citizenship to be added to the 2020 census, a move that observers say could depress participation by immigrants who fear that the government could use the information against them.  That, in turn, could have potentially large ripple effects for everything the once-a-decade census determines – from how congressional seats are distributed around the country to where hundreds of billions of federal dollars are spent.
Observers said they feared [that] adding a citizenship question would not only lower response rates, but also make the census more expensive ...
Oh, no!  Liberals, those deficit hawks, are concerned about the cost...of a question...on a form...already filled with questions!  
What will that do to the national debt?
Read on!

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