Thursday, February 01, 2018

Sourpuss Democrats Self-Immolate at State of the Union | Roger L. Simon

Sourpuss Democrats Self-Immolate at State of the Union | Roger L. Simon:

Image result for flickr commons images nancy pelosi"Other Democrats, even ones who should have known better or secretly felt otherwise, sat on their hands.  You could see them glancing at each other, wondering whether they were allowed to applaud or stand up. What a bunch of cowards.
It was a disgraceful display of bad manners, but even more it was incredibly stupid because "the whole world was watching."  The camera was getting them all in close-up.
Who are these ungrateful corpses, middle America must have been asking.  Good question.  (Can you imagine how much money Pelosi has made in the stock market since Trump was elected? What does she have to be so upset about?)"

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