Sunday, April 01, 2018

20 Questions You’re Not Supposed to Ask in 2018 America - John Hawkins

20 Questions You’re Not Supposed to Ask in 2018 America - John Hawkins:
"As politics has become more tribal and geared toward demonization instead of debate, it’s amazing how many important questions don’t seem to be asked any more.
Instead of discussing issues rationally, people are stuck in little boxes based on where they fall on an issue.
Whatever happened to actually assuming that there are two potentially legitimate sides to a debate and hashing them out based upon which one makes more sense?
See the source imageOf course, to do that, you’ve got to get beyond political correctness to ask the basic questions -- questions that are deemed racist, sexist, fascistic, etc., etc., as part of an effort to shut down necessary conversations...
1) Are we really doing transsexuals a favor by pretending they can change into another gender and allowing them to mutilate themselves via surgery or are we actually setting them up for failure when we pretend that they’re not mentally ill?
...3) Are the problems black Americans have as a group a result of racism or a result of the sort of culture that Thomas Sowell talks about in “Black Rednecks and White Liberals?”  A culture that leads to a significant percentage of black Americans committing more crime, being more anti-intellectual and producing far more children out of wedlock than many other groups?
...5) If the government gives money to Planned Parenthood and PBS, why would it be wrong for the government to give money to the NRA or Heritage Foundation?...
Read them all!!

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