Monday, August 06, 2018

Democratic Socialist: To Be Clear, Democratic Socialists Are Working To 'Overthrow Capitalism' | Daily Wire

Democratic Socialist: To Be Clear, Democratic Socialists Are Working To 'Overthrow Capitalism' | Daily Wire:
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In one of her growing list of viral interviews, Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez condemned America's "hyper-capitalism" and predicted the end of the whole economic system. "So I do think right now we have this no holds barred, wild west hyper-capitalism," she said. "What that means is profit at any cost. Capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world."
In an op-ed for Vox Wednesday, Democratic Socialists of America member and staff writer for Jacobin, Meagan Day, makes clear that the young Democratic candidate's comment is not a regrettable moment of hyperbole, it is the ultimate goal of their shared ideology: "In the long run, democratic socialists want to end capitalism," writes Day.

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