Monday, August 06, 2018

History for August 6

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History for August 6 -
Alfred Lord Tennyson 1809, Louella Parsons 1881, Sir Alexander Fleming 1881
Image result for Alfred Lord Tennyson QuotesSee the source imageImage result for Alexander Fleming Quotes

Lucille Ball 1911, Robert Mitchum 1917, Andy Warhol 1928
Image result for Lucille BallImage result for Robert MitchumImage result for Andy Warhol

1787 - At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia debate began on the first draft of the U.S. Constitution.
See the source image

1945 - The American B-29 bomber, known as the Enola Gay, dropped the first atomic bomb on an inhabited area. The bomb named "Little Boy" was dropped over the center of Hiroshima, Japan. An estimated 140,000 people were killed. (8:16am Japanese time)
Image result for Enola Gay,

1960 - Nationalization of U.S. and foreign-owned property in Cuba began.
See the source image

1965 - The Voting Rights Act was signed by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Image result for Voting Rights Act

1981 - Fire fighters in Indianapolis, IN, answered a false alarm. When they returned to their station it was ablaze due to a grease fire.
Image result for 1981 Fire fighters in Indianapolis, IN

1986 - William J. Schroeder died. He lived 620 days with the Jarvik-7 manmade heart. He was the world's longest surviving recipient of a permanent artificial heart.
Image result for Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart

1996 - NASA announced the discovery of evidence of primitive life on Mars. The evidence came in the form of a meteorite that was found in Antarctica. The meteorite was believed to have come from Mars and contained a fossil.
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1998 - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky spent 8 1/2 hours testifying before a grand jury about her relationship with U.S. President Clinton.
Image result for Monica Lewinsky President Clinton.

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