Friday, August 03, 2018

STV banned in 40 states but we can't ban it cuz blacks like it?!!-----Straight ticket voting to remain an option, federal judge rules |

Straight ticket voting (STV) to remain an option, federal judge rules |
"U.S. District Court Judge Gershwin Drain wrote in a 103-page opinion that the law, passed by a Republican-led Legislature, discriminates against black voters, who vote straight ticket at higher percentages than white voters.
A federal judge ruled that a Michigan law banning straight-ticket voting would place a disproportionate burden on African Americans' right to vote.
...The law violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, according to Drain..."
Read all.
Imagine if blacks do something "at higher percentages than whites" is the rule for other things.... like exercise their right to NOT vote!
This is nuts!

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