Thursday, August 02, 2018

The Democrats and their socialism problem - Washington Times

The Democrats and their socialism problem - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Bernie SandersThe Democrats have some problems. OK, they have a lot of problems, but let’s throw this new one into the mix — ‘cuz it’s a doozy.
“An overwhelming majority of respondents, 76 percent, said they would not vote for a ‘socialist’ political candidate, while only 24 percent of those polled said they would,” finds a July 24 poll conducted by The Hill and HarrisX.
Why, you ask, is that a problem for the Democrats? Because they have all but embraced socialism, what with their free health care and free college and free money for everyone (this last dubbed “universal basic income,” so as to sound less socialist).
Sen. Bernard Sanders, the Vermont “independent” who got aced out of the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 by some shenanigans perpetrated by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, started the whole thing off.

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