Saturday, August 18, 2018

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON----John Brennan’s Security Clearance -- Former CIA Head Deserved to Lose It | National Review

John Brennan’s Security Clearance -- Former CIA Head Deserved to Lose It | National Review:
"Scarier than former CIA chief John Brennan losing his security clearance is the idea that he ever had one in the first place.
 Perhaps to avoid the appearance of partisanship in pulling the security clearances of former intelligence chiefs, the Trump administration should now abide by some sort of universal nonpartisan standard.
I suggest that the following sort of improper conduct, either during or after one’s tenure, might result in the loss of a security clearance:
1) Lying to Congress. Brennan lied to Congress on at least two occasions (cf. his denial of CIA surveillance of Senate staffer computers and the claim of an absence of collateral damage in drone attacks), and perhaps three (his absurd denial of knowledge of the seeding of the Steele dossier among government agencies)...
2) Accusations of Treason against a Sitting President..."
Much more, read all!

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