Friday, November 09, 2018

Trump’s Brilliant Response to the Caravan - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Trump’s Brilliant Response to the Caravan - The Rush Limbaugh Show:

Image result for flickr commons images border wallThere is anger that nobody seems to be willing to stand up for the U.S. border other than Donald Trump! We’re just supposed to stand aside and let Western civilization be watered down into nonexistence? Yes, exactly. That’s what this is. And if we refuse to stand aside, if we don’t acknowledge that our laws are unfair, if our immigration law, if we don’t acknowledge that it’s unfair and unjust and immoral, then we are somehow exhibiting white privilege, and we are discriminating.
Here’s what I think is going on. The global left headquartered in the United Nations and a number of other despotic places has run this exact same type of caravan of thousands ploy against western governments for years. This is exactly what’s been happening in Europe. You remember…? Stop and think, folks. You remember the videos, tons of videos that we saw showing Syrian military age men marching into Germany?

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