Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Remember that the Ministry of Truth in "1984" used the "telescreen" to disseminate "truth" to the citizens.-----Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Smith
"Remember that the Ministry of Truth in "1984" used the "telescreen" to disseminate "truth" to the citizens. 
See the source imageThat's what were are being fed on the TV today, the edited, cropped, staged and scripted versions of the truth.
Two times in the past 72 hours, major media has feverishly reported stories that so perfectly fit the preferred narrative, they were just too good to check...and they were proven false shortly after they were injected in to the bloodstream of public consciousness.
They have forgotten what Ken Layne, an early Internet journalist, said in 2001:
"It’s 2001, and we can Fact Check your ass. 
And you, like many in the Hate America movement, are no longer able to dress your wretched ‘reporting’ in fiction. 
We have computers. 
It is not difficult to Find You Out, dig?"
The traditional media can't be trusted. 
Usually stuff like this is like an iceberg, only 10% of it is visible. Just imagine what else they broadcast that is "safety sealed for our protection".
Instapundit quotes Jim Treacher saying, 
"Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn't know because they might reflect badly on Democrats" and he is dead on target.
I know we have a lot of nutball fake sites on the internet but imagine what the institutional media could get away with if the Internet didn't exist.
Thanks, Al Gore!"

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