Friday, February 01, 2019

Retired NYU Professor Explains Why College Students Prefer Socialism

Retired NYU Professor Explains Why College Students Prefer Socialism:
"Retired NYU professor Dr. Michael Rectenwald explained how educators are encouraging the spread of socialism throughout college campuses, on “Fox & Friends” Monday.
Retired NYU Professor Explains Why College Students Prefer Socialism“You had professors going over to the Soviet Union from America, going over to the Soviet Union, learning about the Soviet system of education. 
And being convinced that they should bring it to the U.S. And re-engineer the entire education system after it,” he said.
“And this was a professor, particularly George Counts who came back, taught at Columbia teacher’s college.
And he’s teaching teachers who are going to then propagate the same ideology that he’s teaching them. 
This is how it spreads.”
Rectenwald claimed almost half of all professors in academia identify as socialist and said nearly all of them are “leftist.”

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