Monday, February 11, 2019

Tell The Social Justice Warrior Mobs To Go Pound Sand

Tell The Social Justice Warrior Mobs To Go Pound Sand
"...Guess that Ed Gillespie Deathracist 2000 ad is looking pretty awkward right now, huh guys?
It’s called “Alinsky Rule No. 4,” pals.
“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” 
Cue the sad trombone.
Somewhere, Brett Kavanaugh is laughing into his Budweiser.
I know I am, except it’s Dos Equis.
But this hilarity does bring up something serious we need to consider on the conservative side.
We need to prepare for the next time some Republican gets besieged by SJW witch-burners, and be ready with our response to their unwarranted demands for his/her/xir’s head.
Our response should be, “Go pound sand.”
Now, that’s not necessarily the phraseology we should use.
Mine would be more colorful, and anatomically challenging, but the point is the same.
They don’t get a head for their wall.
They don’t get to win.
Not over silliness.
...But say it was just some regular GOP schmuck who took an idiotic photo 35 years ago, and who wasn’t a race-hustling creep, but, instead, someone who had lived an exemplary life.
Should drunken antics that culminated in a mortifying yearbook snap destroy his life a third of a century later? 
Read all!

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