Thursday, April 04, 2019

Breakfast Isn't Important -

Breakfast Isn't Important -
  • I skipped breakfast again this morning. I won't worry about it.

"Yes, I've heard the advice. "It's the most important meal of the day."
...A Harvard University study said men who regularly skip breakfast have a 27 percent higher risk of suffering a heart attack.
See the source imageTwenty-seven percent!
But I'm not worried, because I now know there's no proof that skipping breakfast causes heart attacks or any other problem.
In my latest video, nutritionist Dr. Ruth Kava points out that just about all the claims about breakfast being especially important are unproven.
Those Harvard researchers actually say it "remains unknown whether specific eating habits…influence…heart disease risk."
Strokes and heart attack news persists in part because people who skip breakfast tend to have other bad habits, like smoking.
But the breakfast bunk keeps coming.
Several years ago, the government announced that skipping breakfast may make you fat.
Of course, the media jumped on that one.
...The government has backed away from its claim.
Why did researchers and the government get it so wrong?..."
Read on!

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