Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Electoral College and Democrat Opposition to the Constitutional Order | National Review

Electoral College and Democrat Opposition to the Constitutional Order | National Review

  • Unmediated mass democracy would lead to the serfdom of minority groups and the smallest, poorest states.

"The Senate. 
The Electoral College. 
The First Amendment. 
See the source imageThe Second Amendment. 
The Supreme Court. 
Is there a part of our constitutional order that the Democrats have not pledged to destroy?
There are some Democrats out there in the sticks — a lot of them, in fact — who simply don’t understand the constitutional order. 
They believe that the United States is a democracy, John Adams et al. be damned, and, in fact, they often are confused by the frankly anti-democratic features of the American order, because they have been taught (theirs is a pseudo-education consisting of buzzwords rather than an actual education) that “democratic” means “good” and “undemocratic” means “bad.”
But the Democrats in Washington are a different story. 
Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris went to law school. 
They understand the American constitutional order just fine.
And they hate it..."
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