Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Micheal Smith--Progressivism has stripped all meaning from America's founding values and has effectively rendered worthless the status of being an American citizen.-Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today-Michael Smith
"A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it."
~ William F. Buckley, National Review (19 November 1955).
I'm in a pretty ugly and cynical mood these days, especially where politics is concerned. 
It seems to me we live in an age where we are about to begin paying for mistakes of the past...and I mean really paying for them.
Progressivism has stripped all meaning from America's founding values and has effectively rendered worthless the status of being an American citizen. 
See the source imageThere was a time when we paid taxes for the privilege of being a citizen and those taxes went toward protecting the value of being a citizen - today, we are simply extorted to pay for things people want who do not value being American. 
In a way, we pay ransom to preserve fractions of the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Every single aspect of the Bill of Rights is compromised, nullified or is currently under attack. 
From the First Amendment to the Tenth, our own government is in open violation of every single one.
We have decided, in our infinite wisdom, to expose all to moral hazard by extending the rights of citizens to non-citizens and equating people who pay no taxes or own no property to people who do, eliminating the value of actually being an American citizen
Like the old saying states, when everyone is special, no one is.
...The fatal flaw in this Church of Progressivism is that no moral superiority can be built on a foundation of amoral or immoral acts.
As we are witnessing at our southern border, nothing short of direct confrontation with the progressive agenda is going to work. 
It's way past time to be standing athwart and yelling "Stop!"
God help us all."
Read all!!

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