Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Don't Bail Colleges Out Of The Student Loan Mess They've Made

Don't Bail Colleges Out Of The Student Loan Mess They've Made:
  • This exploitative system should not be bailed out by boondoggles such as Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s plans for free college and student loan bailouts.
The political left owns higher education, and has broken it. 
With rare exception, colleges and universities are dominated by leftists, who should be held accountable for the mess they have made.
But if we hope to reform higher education, we need to understand the dynamics at play.
See the source imageIn particular, we must realize how administrators have used social justice activism to seize power and to cover for their economic injustices.
It is true that the tuition is too damn high.
...Yet even as tuition costs have shot up, classes are increasingly taught by underpaid adjunct faculty and graduate assistants.
Students are paying more to learn from instructors who are paid less, so where does the money go?
...Much of it goes to pay for administrative bloat, as exemplified by the University of Michigan and its horde of nearly 100 diversity administrators. 
It has become normal for a university to have more administrators than full-time faculty..."
Read all.

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