Friday, May 03, 2019

NPR: 8 Ways To Indoctrinate School Children With Warmunist Propaganda | Watts Up With That?

NPR: 8 Ways To Indoctrinate School Children With Warmunist Propaganda | Watts Up With That?
NPR/Ipsos conducted a national poll recently and found that more than 8 in 10 teachers — and a similar majority of parents — support teaching kids about climate change.But in reality, it’s not always happening: Fewer than half of K-12 teachers told us that they talk about climate change with their children or students. Again, parents were about the same.The top reason that teachers gave in our poll for not covering climate change? “It’s not related to the subjects I teach,” 65% said.[…]That raises the question: Where does climate change belong in the curriculum, anyway?...

NPR = Nitwit Pinko Radio

See the source imageNothing on that list of 8 idiotic “ways to teach climate change” is even remotely related to climate science… 
55% of the teachers surveyed said they did not teach about climate change in their classrooms. 65% replied that it wasn’t related to the subject(s) they taught and 17% said the didn’t know enough about climate change to teach it… 
My hunch is that 97% of teachers, including the 45% who “teach” about it, are insufficiently familiar with the science to teach it.
Instead of having English teachers focusing on climate change, maybe they should just teach English…
But then again, you can get, like, an Ivy League degree in, like, economics, you know, like by speaking this way. You can even, like, get elected to Congress, like you know, whatever…

Read all.

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