Tuesday, June 25, 2019

We already know what their plan is-----Democrats refuse to say what America should do about border crisis

See the source imageDemocrats refuse to say what America should do about border crisis
"What do Democrats want to do about illegal immigration?
Will they ever tell us?
Or will they keep emoting about how deeply they care about the issue without ever offering a plan?
Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez made a splash last week by referring to the detention centers housing illegal immigrants as concentration camps.
Using the rhetoric of “never again,” she drew a revolting false parallel between the Holocaust and an imperfect democracy’s efforts to deal with tens of thousands of illegal migrants crossing our southern border.
When called out, she doubled and tripled down.
Yet she was never pushed to explain what she would do with the influx of people coming in from Central America.
She’s not alone in having no follow-up plan.
Democrats know what they oppose: any proposal from President Trump.
But what they support in regard to illegal immigration is much harder to pin down..."
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